200) $searchtext=substr($searchtext,0,200); $searchtype=$_REQUEST['searchtype']; $subsearchtype=$_REQUEST['subsearchtype']; $check_perms = sprintf('(not rhed or %s) and (not bcs or %s) and (not dealer or %s)', ($auth->has_perm('gatnky')?'true':'false'), ($auth->has_perm('bcs')?'true':'false'), ($auth->has_perm('dealer')?'true':'false')); $isadmin = $auth->has_perm('admin'); unset($contact_id); if ($auth->logged_in()) { $contact_id=$auth->userinfo['contact_id']; } # make sure this only exists if there is an exact match on a part # number unset($exact_match); $contact_id=0; $entity_id=0; if ($auth->logged_in()) { $contact_id=$auth->userinfo['contact_id']; $entity_id=$auth->userinfo['entity_id']; } $prodtypes=array('U'=>'Units','P'=>'Parts','A'=>'Accessories'); $searchtypes=array('full'=>'products', 'desc'=>'product description', 'part'=>'part number', 'vendor'=>'vendor name', 'category'=>'product category', 'vendcat'=>'vendor and category', 'brand'=>'brand name', 'brandcat'=>'brand and category'); $subsearchtypes=array('vendor'=>'vendor name', 'category'=>'product category', 'vendcat'=>'vendor and category', 'brand'=>'brand name', 'brandcat'=>'brand and category'); if ($s_category_id && !$category_name) { $db->query(sprintf(" select category_name from categories where category_id=%d and %s ", $s_category_id, $check_perms)); if ($db->next_record()) { extract($db->Record, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } } if ($s_brand_id && !$brand_name) { $db->query(sprintf(" select brand_name from brands where id=%d ", $s_brand_id)); if ($db->next_record()) { extract($db->Record, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } } if ($s_vendor_id && !$vendor_name) { $db->query(sprintf(" select vendor_name from vendors where vendor_id=%d ", $s_vendor_id)); if ($db->next_record()) { extract($db->Record, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } } # If the search type is unknown, just show the form if (!$search_id && (!$searchtypes[$searchtype] || ($subsearchtype && !$subsearchtypes[$subsearchtype]))) { page_header(); print "\n"; show_search(); page_footer(); exit; } # Nothing to search for, show the form if ((!$searchtext || $searchtext=='Enter Part # or Description') && !$search_id && !$s_brand_id && !$s_vendor_id && !$s_category_id) { page_header(); print "\n"; show_search(); page_footer(); exit; } # Check to see if the search exists, otherwise we'll search again $new_search=true; if ($search_id) { $db->query(sprintf(" select first_item, total_rows, overflow, searchtext, searchtype, subsearchtype, vendor_group_id as s_vendor_id, brand_id as s_brand_id, category_id as s_category_id from searches where search_id=%d and (sid='%s' or %s or contact_id=%d or entity_id=%d) ", $search_id, pg_escape_string(session_id()), $isadmin?'true':'false', $contact_id?$contact_id:-1, $entity_id?$entity_id:-1)); if ($db->next_record()) { extract($db->Record, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $db->query(sprintf(" select search_id from search_results where sequence=%d ", $first_item)); if ($db->next_record() && $db->f('search_id')==$search_id) { $new_search=false; } } else { unset($search_id); } } if ($new_search && ($subsearchtype || $searchtype=='vendor' || $searchtype=='category' || $searchtype=='vendcat' || $searchtype=='brand' || $searchtype=='brandcat')) { $products=array(); $epns=array(); if ($subsearchtype) { $type=$subsearchtype; } else { $type=$searchtype; } unset($query); if ($type=='vendor' && $s_vendor_id) { # We don't check the vendor id in the table because we're # really using the vendor_group_id. At some point, we might # actually split out vendor_id and vendor_group_id, but # assume that for now when we see vendor id, it's really a # group id. $table='items_in_vendor'; $query=sprintf(" select start_seq, end_seq from iiv_lookup where vendor_group_id=%d ", $s_vendor_id); } elseif ($type=='category' && $s_category_id) { $table='items_in_category'; $query=sprintf(" select start_seq, end_seq, category_name from iic_lookup l, categories c where l.category_id=%d and c.category_id=l.category_id and %s ", $s_category_id, $check_perms); } elseif ($type=='vendcat' && $s_vendor_id && $s_category_id) { $table='items_in_vendcat'; $query=sprintf(" select start_seq, end_seq, category_name from iivc_lookup l, categories c where l.category_id=%d and l.vendor_group_id=%d and c.category_id=l.category_id and %s ", $s_category_id, $s_vendor_id, $check_perms); } elseif ($type=='brand' && $s_brand_id) { $table='items_in_brand'; $query=sprintf(" select start_seq, end_seq from iib_lookup where brand_id=%d ", $s_brand_id); } elseif ($type=='brandcat' && $s_brand_id && $s_category_id) { $table='items_in_brandcat'; $query=sprintf(" select start_seq, end_seq, category_name from iibc_lookup l, categories c where l.category_id=%d and l.brand_id=%d and c.category_id=l.category_id and %s ", $s_category_id, $s_brand_id, $check_perms); } else { page_header(); show_search(); page_footer(); exit; } $db->query($query); if ($db->next_record()) { extract($db->Record, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } else { if ($isadmin) { page_header(); print "
\n"; } die_msg("

Fatal Error

Item not found during search.

"); } if ($subsearchtype) { $subtable=", ${table} t"; $subwc=sprintf(' and p.eclipse_part_number=t.eclipse_part_number and t.sequence between %d and %d ', $start_seq, $end_seq); # I have subtable and subwc to pass on to the next section. } else { # $table is set above $first_item=$start_seq; $total_rows=$end_seq-$start_seq+1; #if (!$start_seq || !$end_seq) { # # this is to make the query fail # $page_start=-1; $page_end=-1; #} else { # $page_start=($page*$items_per_page)+$start_seq; # $page_end=$page_start+$items_per_page-1; # if ($page_start>$end_seq) { # # went too far # die_msg("

End Of Item

You've moved past # the last page.

"); # } elseif ($page_end>$end_seq) { # $page_end=$end_seq; # } #} # #$rowcount=$end_seq-$start_seq+1; } } if ($new_search && $searchtext && ($searchtype=='desc' || $searchtype=='part' || $searchtype=='full')) { if ($search_id) { $new_search_id=false; } else { $new_search_id=true; $db->query("select nextval('searches_search_id_seq') as search_id"); if ($db->next_record()) { $search_id=$db->f('search_id'); } else { #ACK! die_msg("

Fatal Error


An unexpected error has arisn, and we cannot process your search at this time.

\n"); } } unset($search_query); if ($searchtype=='desc') { $search_query=sprintf(" insert into search_results (search_id, mta_part_number, eclipse_part_number) select %d as search_id, mta_part_number, p.eclipse_part_number from products p %s where description like '%%%s%%' and goto_part_number='' and %s %s order by prodtype desc, description, mta_part_number limit %d ", $search_id, $subtable, strtoupper(pg_escape_string($searchtext)), $check_perms, $subwc, $limit+1); } elseif ($searchtype=='part') { $searchtext=strtoupper(trim($searchtext)); $searchtext2=preg_replace('/-/',' ',$searchtext); if ($searchtext!=$searchtext2) { $wc=sprintf("(mta_part_number like '%s%%' or mta_part_number like '%s%%')", pg_escape_string($searchtext), pg_escape_string($searchtext2)); } else { $wc=sprintf("mta_part_number like '%s%%'", pg_escape_string($searchtext)); } $search_query=sprintf(" insert into search_results (search_id, mta_part_number, eclipse_part_number) select %d as search_id, mta_part_number, p.eclipse_part_number from products p %s where %s and %s %s order by prodtype desc, description, mta_part_number limit %d ", $search_id, $subtable, $wc, $check_perms, $subwc, $limit+1); } elseif ($searchtype=='full') { # The raw query # select mta_part_number, (case when tier1 @@ 'OIL&DRAIN' # then 1000 else 0 end) + (case when tier2 @@ 'OIL&DRAIN' then 100 # else 0 end) as ranking # from search_rankings # where tier1 @@ 'OIL&DRAIN' or tier2 @@ 'OIL&DRAIN' # order by ranking, mta_part_number # limit 201; $searchtext=strtolower($searchtext); $s=''; $wordcount=0; $words=preg_split('/\s+/',$searchtext); for ($i=0 ; $i4) break; } if ($wordcount==1) { $mpn_lookup=sprintf(" or sr.mta_part_number like '%s%%' ", pg_escape_string(strtoupper($searchtext))); } else { $mpn_lookup=''; } $search_query=sprintf(" insert into search_results (search_id, rank, mta_part_number, eclipse_part_number) select %d as search_id, ( (case when tier1 @@ '%s' then 1000 else 0 end) + (case when tier2 @@ '%s' then 100 else 0 end)) as rank, p.mta_part_number, p.eclipse_part_number from products p, search_rankings sr %s where p.mta_part_number=sr.mta_part_number and (tier1@@'%s' or tier2@@'%s' %s) and %s %s order by rank, description, mta_part_number limit %d ", $search_id, $s, $s, $subtable, $s, $s, $mpn_lookup, $check_perms, $subwc, $limit+1); } if ($search_query) { $start_time=microtime(); $db->query('begin'); $db->query('lock table search_results in exclusive mode'); $db->query($search_query); $total_rows=$db->affected_rows(); $db->query('commit'); $end_time=microtime(); $query_time=microtime_diff($start_time,$end_time); } else { $total_rows=0; } if ($total_rows) { $db->query("select currval('search_results_sequence_seq') as sort_order"); if ($db->next_record()) { $last_item=$db->f('sort_order'); $first_item=$last_item-$total_rows+1; } else { #ACK! page_header(); print "

Fatal Error


Due to a fatal error within our search application, your search cannot be completed.

\n"; page_footer(); exit; } if ($total_rows>$limit) { $total_rows=$limit; $overflow='t'; } else { $overflow='f'; } } else { $first_item=0; $total_rows=0; $overflow='f'; } $search_query=preg_replace('/\t/m',' ',$search_query,-1); if ($new_search_id) { $db->query(sprintf(" insert into searches (search_id, entity_id, contact_id, sid, searchtype, searchtext, subsearchtype, vendor_group_id, brand_id, category_id, search_time, first_item, total_rows, overflow, query_text, query_time) values (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, now(), %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %f)", $search_id, $entity_id, $contact_id, session_id(), pg_escape_string($searchtype), pg_escape_string($searchtext), pg_escape_string($subsearchtype), $s_vendor_id, $s_brand_id, $s_category_id, $first_item, $total_rows, $overflow, pg_escape_string($search_query), $query_time)); } else { # There's already a record in "searches", so we'll just update it $db->query(sprintf(" update searches set first_item=%d, total_rows=%d, overflow='%s', query_text='%s', query_time=%f where search_id=%d ", $first_item, $total_rows, $overflow, pg_escape_string($search_query), $query_time, $search_id)); } if ($total_rows) { header('Status: 302 Moved Temporarily'); header(sprintf('Location: search.php?page=%d&search_id=%d&searchtext=%s&searchtype=%s',$page,$search_id,urlencode($searchtext),urlencode($searchtype))); exit; } else { page_header(); show_static('dead search'); show_search(); page_footer(); exit; } } if ($search_id) { # We grabbed the relevant record from searches back up around line 80, # so here we need to $products=array(); $epns=array(); # Check for an exact match if ($page==0 && $total_rows>1 && ($searchtype=='part' || ($searchtype=='full' && !preg_match('/ /',$searchtext)))) { $searchtext=strtoupper($searchtext); $searchtext2=preg_replace('/-/',' ',$searchtext); $db->query(sprintf(" select distinct eclipse_part_number, mta_part_number, description, unit_of_measure, uom_quantity, price_line, buy_line, weight, vendor_id, status, discontinued, goto_part_number, prodtype from products where mta_part_number in ('%s','%s') and %s ", pg_escape_string($searchtext), pg_escape_string($searchtext2), $check_perms)); if ($db->num_rows()) { # grab the exact match while ($db->next_record()) { $exact_match=$db->Record; $exact_match['prodtype']='Exact Match'; $products[]=$exact_match; $epns[]=$exact_match['eclipse_part_number']; } } } #$rowcount=$total_rows; $table='search_results'; } if ($table && $first_item && $total_rows) { if (!$first_item) { # this is to make the query fail $page_start=-1; $page_end=-1; } else { $page_start=($page*$items_per_page)+$first_item; $page_end=$page_start+$items_per_page-1; if ($page_end>=$first_item+$total_rows) { $page_end=$first_item+$total_rows-1; } if ($page_start>$page_end) { die_msg("

Fatal Error

Attempt to move past the last page.

"); } } $db->query(sprintf(" select distinct sequence, p.eclipse_part_number, p.mta_part_number, description, unit_of_measure, uom_quantity, price_line, buy_line, weight, p.status, vendor_id, discontinued, goto_part_number %s from products p, %s t where p.eclipse_part_number=t.eclipse_part_number and t.sequence between %d and %d order by t.sequence ",$searchtype=='full'?'':', prodtype', $table, $page_start, $page_end)); while ($db->next_record()) { $rec=$db->Record; if ($searchtype=='full') { if ($exact_match) { $rec['prodtype']='Other Matching Items'; } else { $rec['prodtype']='Matching Items'; } } else { $rec['prodtype']=$prodtypes[$rec['prodtype']]; } $products[]=$rec; $epns[]=$db->f('eclipse_part_number'); } } $decorations='left_menu'; $page_title = iso_htmlentities($vendor_name . $brand_name); page_header(); if ($searchtype=='vendcat') { printf('

Browse Vendor by Category

%s - %s

', iso_htmlentities($vendor_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name)); } elseif ($searchtype=='vendor') { printf('

Browse Vendor %s

', iso_htmlentities($vendor_name)); } elseif ($searchtype=='brandcat') { printf('

Browse Brand by Category

%s - %s

', iso_htmlentities($brand_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name)); } elseif ($searchtype=='brand') { printf('

Browse Brand %s

', iso_htmlentities($brand_name)); } elseif ($searchtype=='category') { printf('

Browse Category "%s"

', iso_htmlentities($category_name)); } else { unset($ss); if ($subsearchtype) { if ($subsearchtype=='vendcat') { $ss=sprintf('%s - %s', iso_htmlentities($vendor_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name)); } elseif ($subsearchtype=='vendor') { $ss=iso_htmlentities($vendor_name); } elseif ($subsearchtype=='brandcat') { $ss=sprintf('%s - %s', iso_htmlentities($brand_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name)); } elseif ($subsearchtype=='brand') { $ss=iso_htmlentities($brand_name); } elseif ($subsearchtype=='category') { $ss=iso_htmlentities($category_name); } } printf('

Search Results

Search %s for "%s"%s

', iso_htmlentities($searchtypes[$searchtype]), iso_htmlentities($searchtext), $ss?" in ${ss}":''); } if ($searchtype=='brandcat' || $searchtype=='brand' || $searchtype=='category') { if ($s_brand_id && $s_category_id) { print "
"; } if ($s_brand_id) { $db->query(sprintf(" select category_name, category_id from categories where %s and category_id in (select category_id from iibc_lookup where brand_id=%d) order by category_name ", $check_perms, $s_brand_id)); $numcats=$db->num_rows(); if ($numcats==1 && !$s_category_id) { $db->next_record(); printf("

Category: %s

\n", iso_htmlentities($db->f('category_name'))); } elseif ($numcats>1) { print '
'; if ($s_category_id) { print "Narrow your view to another category in this brand
"; } else { print "Narrow your view to a category in this brand
"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; printf("", $brand_id); printf(""); print "
\n"; } } if ($s_category_id) { $db->query(sprintf(" select distinct brand_name, id as brand_id from brands where brand_name!='' and id in (select brand_id from iibc_lookup where category_id=%d) order by brand_name ", $s_category_id)); if ($db->num_rows()==1 && !$s_brand_id) { $db->next_record(); printf("

Brand: %s

\n", iso_htmlentities($db->f('brand_name'))); } elseif ($db->num_rows()>1) { if ($numcats>1 && $s_brand_id && $s_category_id) { print "
--OR--"; } print '
'; if ($s_brand_id) { print "Narrow your view to another brand in this category
"; } else { print "Narrow your view to a brand in this category
"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; printf("", $category_id); printf(""); print "
\n"; } } if ($s_brand_id && $s_category_id) { print "
\n"; } } if ($searchtype=='vendcat' || $searchtype=='vendor') { if ($s_vendor_id && $s_category_id) { print "
"; } if ($s_vendor_id) { $db->query(sprintf(" select category_name, category_id from categories where %s and category_id in (select category_id from iivc_lookup where vendor_group_id=%d) order by category_name ", $check_perms, $s_vendor_id)); $numcats=$db->num_rows(); if ($numcats==1 && !$s_category_id) { $db->next_record(); printf("

Category: %s

\n", iso_htmlentities($db->f('category_name'))); } elseif ($numcats>1) { print '
'; if ($s_category_id) { print "Narrow your view to another category in this vendor
"; } else { print "Narrow your view to a category in this vendor
"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; printf("", $vendor_id); printf(""); print "
\n"; } } if ($s_category_id) { $db->query(sprintf(" select distinct vendor_name, vendor_group_id from vendors where vendor_name!='' and vendor_id in (select vendor_group_id from iivc_lookup where category_id=%d) order by vendor_name ", $s_category_id)); if ($db->num_rows()==1 && !$s_vendor_id) { $db->next_record(); printf("

Vendor: %s

\n", iso_htmlentities($db->f('vendor_name'))); } elseif ($db->num_rows()>1) { if ($numcats>1 && $s_vendor_id && $s_category_id) { print "
--OR--"; } print '
'; if ($s_vendor_id) { print "Narrow your view to another vendor in this category
"; } else { print "Narrow your view to a vendor in this category
"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; printf("", $category_id); printf(""); print "
\n"; } } if ($s_vendor_id && $s_category_id) { print "
\n"; } } if ($products) { if ($auth->logged_in()) { $eclipse_data = get_eclipse_product_data($epns); # Used to show cart status $cart=array(); $db->query(sprintf(' select eclipse_part_number, quantity from cart where contact_id=%d order by 1', $auth->userinfo['contact_id'])); while ($db->next_record()) { if ($eclipse_data[$db->f('eclipse_part_number')]) { $cart[$db->f('eclipse_part_number')]=$db->f('quantity'); } } } else { $eclipse_data=array(); $cart=array(); } $last_prodtype='sdlfj'; printf('
',iso_htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $column_count=2; if ($auth->logged_in()) $column_count += 2; if ($cart) $column_count++; if ($eclipse_data['has_availability']) $column_count++; foreach ($products as $product) { extract($product); $num++; if ($last_prodtype!=$prodtype) { if ($last_prodtype!='') { } $last_prodtype=$prodtype; if ($prodtype) { printf(' ', $column_count, iso_htmlentities($prodtype)); } print ' '; printf(' '); if (!$istr && $auth->logged_in()) { if ($eclipse_data['has_availability']) print ''; print ''; if ($cart) { print ''; } } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } show_search_row($row, $product, isset($eclipse_data[$eclipse_part_number]) ? $eclipse_data[$eclipse_part_number] : array(), isset($cart) ? $cart[$eclipse_part_number] : -1); $row++; } print "\n"; print "
Part # DescriptionStatusYour Price QtyIn Cart
\n"; if ($cart) { show_static('search items in cart'); } if (!$istr) { if ($auth->logged_in()) { print " "; } else { print "

* Pricing information is available when you log in or register.

\n"; } } print "
"; $page_total=ceil($total_rows/$items_per_page); if ($page_total>1) { show_static('Nav to cart'); print "

Search Navigation:\n"; if ($page>0) { // previous link make_search_url($page-1,'Previous'); } if ($page>=$page_limit*.7) { $start_page=max(min($page-($page_limit/2),$page_total-$page_limit),0); } else { $start_page=0; } if ($start_page>0) { make_search_url(0,'1'); if ($start_page>2) { make_search_url(max($page-10,0),'...'); } elseif ($start_page==2) { make_search_url(1,'2'); } } // pages for ($num=$start_page; $num<$start_page+$page_limit && $num<$page_total; $num++) { if ($num==$page) { printf("%d\n",$num+1); } else { make_search_url($num,$num+1); } } if ($num<$page_total) { if ($num<$page_total-2) { make_search_url(min($page+10,$page_total-1),'...'); } elseif ($num==$page_total-2) { make_search_url($page_total-2,$page_total-1); } make_search_url($page_total-1,$page_total); } if ($page<$page_total-1) { // next link make_search_url($page+1,'Next'); } if ($overflow=='t') { show_static('search too broad'); } print "

\n"; } } page_header(); // show_search(); page_footer(); function show_search() { global $auth,$db,$searchtype,$subsearchtype,$searchtext; global $s_vendor_id,$s_category_id,$category_name,$vendor_name; global $s_brand_id, $brand_name; printf('
'); if ($searchtype=='brandcat' || $searchtype=='brand' || $searchtype=='category' || $subsearchtype) { if ($subsearchtype) $type=$subsearchtype; else $type=$searchtype; if ($type=='brandcat') { $ss=sprintf('%s - %s', iso_htmlentities($brand_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name)); printf(' Search in %s - %s
Search in %s Search all products
', iso_htmlentities($brand_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name), iso_htmlentities($brand_name)); } elseif ($type=='brand') { $ss=iso_htmlentities($brand_name); printf(' Search in %s Search all products
', iso_htmlentities($type), $ss); } elseif ($type=='category') { $ss=iso_htmlentities($category_name); printf(' Search in %s Search all products
', iso_htmlentities($type), $ss); } printf(' ',$s_brand_id?sprintf('%d',$s_brand_id):'', $s_category_id?sprintf('%d',$s_category_id):''); } if ($searchtype=='vendcat' || $searchtype=='vendor') { if ($subsearchtype) $type=$subsearchtype; else $type=$searchtype; if ($type=='vendcat') { $ss=sprintf('%s - %s', iso_htmlentities($vendor_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name)); printf(' Search in %s - %s
Search in %s Search all products
', iso_htmlentities($vendor_name), iso_htmlentities($category_name), iso_htmlentities($vendor_name)); } elseif ($type=='vendor') { $ss=iso_htmlentities($vendor_name); printf(' Search in %s Search all products
', iso_htmlentities($type), $ss); } elseif ($type=='category') { $ss=iso_htmlentities($category_name); printf(' Search in %s Search all products
', iso_htmlentities($type), $ss); } printf(' ',$s_vendor_id?sprintf('%d',$s_vendor_id):'', $s_category_id?sprintf('%d',$s_category_id):''); } printf(' Type in a product description:
Search Type ', iso_htmlentities($searchtext)); make_selection('searchtype',$searchtype, array('full'=>'General','desc'=>'Description', 'part'=>'Part Number'),1,0); if ($auth->has_perm('admin') && !$subsearchtype && $searchtype!='vendcat' && $searchtype!='vendor' && $searchtype!='category' && $searchtype!='brand' && $searchtype!='brandcat') { # allow an admin to add subsearch criteria printf('
Advanced Criteria (for admins)
Vendor ID Brand ID Category ID
',$s_vendor_id?sprintf('%d',$s_vendor_id):'', $s_brand_id?sprintf('%d',$s_brand_id):'', $s_category_id?sprintf('%d',$s_category_id):''); make_selection('subsearchtype',$subsearchtype, array('brandcat'=>'Brand & Category', 'brand'=>'Brand Only', 'vendcat'=>'Vendor & Category','vendor'=>'Vendor Only', 'category'=>'Category Only'),1,1); } printf('
'); } function make_search_url($page, $label) { global $searchtype, $searchtext, $category_name, $vendor_name, $brand_name; global $search_id, $s_category_id, $s_vendor_id, $s_brand_id; global $pathlinks; global $auth; if ($searchtype=='vendcat' || $searchtype=='vendor' || $searchtype=='brandcat' || $searchtype=='brand' || $searchtype=='category') { if ($pathlinks) { $path=array(); if ($searchtype=='vendor') { $path[]='vendors'; $path[]=$vendor_name; } elseif ($searchtype=='category') { $path[]='categories'; $path[]=$category_name; } elseif ($searchtype=='vendcat') { $path[]='vendors'; $path[]=$vendor_name; $path[]=$category_name; } elseif ($searchtype=='brand') { $path[]='brands'; $path[]=$brand_name; } elseif ($searchtype=='brandcat') { $path[]='brands'; $path[]=$brand_name; if ($category_name!='Parts') { $path[]=$category_name; } } $path[]="$page"; $url=make_path($path); } else { $url=MTA_URL('/search.php',array('searchtype'=>$searchtype, 'category_id'=>$s_category_id,'vendor_id'=>$s_vendor_id, 'brand_id'=>$s_brand_id,'page'=>$page)); } } elseif ($searchtype=='desc' || $searchtype=='part' || $searchtype=='full') { $url=MTA_URL('/search.php',array('searchtype'=>$searchtype, 'searchtext'=>$searchtext,'page'=>$page, 'search_id'=>$search_id)); } # if (!$auth->logged_in()) { printf("%s\n", $url, iso_htmlentities($label)); # } else { # printf("%s\n", # $url, iso_htmlentities($label)); # } } function path_to_req($path) { global $db; $path_parts=unmake_path($path); if ($path_parts[0]=='vendors') { $vendor_name=$path_parts[1]; if (!$vendor_name) { $GLOBALS['short_path_include']='vendors.php'; return; } # third piece is either nothing (page 0), a category # (non-numeric), or a page (numeric) if ($path_parts[2]) { if (is_numeric($path_parts[2])) { $page=$path_parts[2]; $searchtype='vendor'; } else { $category_name=$path_parts[2]; if ($path_parts[3] && is_numeric($path_parts[3])) { $page=$path_parts[3]; } else { $page=0; } $searchtype='vendcat'; } } else { $page=0; $searchtype='vendor'; } } elseif ($path_parts[0]=='brands') { $brand_name=$path_parts[1]; if (!$brand_name) { $GLOBALS['short_path_include']='brands.php'; return; } # third piece is either nothing (page 0), a category # (non-numeric), or a page (numeric) if ($path_parts[2]) { if (is_numeric($path_parts[2])) { $page=$path_parts[2]; $searchtype='brand'; } else { $category_name=$path_parts[2]; if ($path_parts[3] && is_numeric($path_parts[3])) { $page=$path_parts[3]; } else { $page=0; } $searchtype='brandcat'; } } else { $page=0; $searchtype='brand'; } } elseif ($path_parts[0]=='categories') { $category_name=$path_parts[1]; if (!$category_name) { $GLOBALS['short_path_include']='categories.php'; return; } $category_name=$path_parts[1]; if ($path_parts[2] && is_numeric($path_parts[2])) { $page=$path_parts[2]; } else { $page=0; } $searchtype='category'; } else { # no idea } if ($searchtype) { # prime the $_REQUEST variables $_REQUEST['searchtype']=$searchtype; $_REQUEST['page']=$page; if ($vendor_name) { $GLOBALS['vendor_name']=$vendor_name; $db->query(sprintf("select vendor_group_id from vendors where vendor_name='%s' limit 1", pg_escape_string($vendor_name))); if ($db->next_record()) { $vendor_id=$db->f('vendor_group_id'); } } if ($brand_name) { $GLOBALS['brand_name']=$brand_name; $db->query(sprintf("select id from brands where brand_name='%s' limit 1", pg_escape_string($brand_name))); if ($db->next_record()) { $brand_id=$db->f('id'); } } if ($category_name) { $GLOBALS['category_name']=$category_name; $db->query(sprintf("select category_id from categories where category_name='%s'", pg_escape_string($category_name))); if ($db->next_record()) { $category_id=$db->f('category_id'); } } if ($vendor_id) $_REQUEST['vendor_id']=$vendor_id; if ($brand_id) $_REQUEST['brand_id']=$brand_id; if ($category_id) $_REQUEST['category_id']=$category_id; $GLOBALS['pathlinks']=1; } } function show_search_row($row,$rec,$pricing,$incart) { global $auth, $pathlinks, $istr; extract($rec, EXTR_OVERWRITE); if ($auth->has_perm('cart')) { if ($pricing) { $unit_price=get_unit_price($pricing, $incart); } else { print "\n\n"; return; } } if ($goto_part_number) { $jumpto=$goto_part_number; } else { $jumpto=$mta_part_number; } if (false && $pathlinks) { $path=array(); $path[]='products'; $path[]=$jumpto; $url=make_path($path); } else { $url=MTA_URL('/family.php',array('family_id'=>isset($goto_epn) && $goto_epn > 0?$goto_epn:$eclipse_part_number)); } if (!$description) $description='-'; printf('', $row&1?' class="odd"':''); printf('%s', $url, iso_htmlentities($mta_part_number)); printf('%s', $url, iso_htmlentities($description)); if ($goto_part_number) { printf("
Replaced by %s", MTA_URL('detail.php',array('mta_part_number'=>$jumpto)), iso_htmlentities($goto_part_number)); } print ''; if (!$istr && $auth->has_perm('cart')) { if ($pricing['has_availability']) { $title=''; if ($goto_part_number) { print 'Replaced'; } elseif ($pricing['on_hand']>0) { printf('In Stock'); } elseif ($status == 'NONSTOCK') { printf('Special Order'); } else { /*Turned off until more history is available in Eclipse if ($pricing['earliest_more_date']) { $title=sprintf('Available on %s', iso_htmlentities($pricing['earliest_more_date'])); } elseif ($pricing['plenty_date']) { $title=sprintf('Available on %s', iso_htmlentities($pricing['plenty_date'])); } */ printf('Out of Stock', $title); } #printf('%s stock', # $pricing['on_hand']?'in':'out', # $pricing['on_hand']?'In':'Out of', # $title); } printf('$%.2f', ceil($unit_price*100)/100); if ($goto_part_number) { print ' '; } else { printf('', $row, $row, $eclipse_part_number); } if ($incart>0) { printf('%d', $incart); } elseif ($incart==0) { print ' '; } } print "\n"; } ?>