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Wheeler/Rex Manufacturing - Parts

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Part # Description
0604081 - 2 BSPT Dies For 6390
0065181/2 Drive Speed Handle
0603391 - 2 Grooving Die
0042071/2-IN - 1-1/4 NPT Manual Threader
8379601/2-IN 12R Style Dies NPSM
8375701/2-IN 12R Style Drop Head With
8480051/2-IN-13 Bolt Dies For Universal
0042021/2-IN - 1-IN Ratchet Threader Set
0892101/2-IN - 1-IN Ring Remover
0042151/2-IN - 2-IN BSPT Manual Threader
0042001/2-IN-2-IN Manual Threader Set
0042091/2-IN - 2-IN NPSM Manual Threader
8478351/2-IN-3/4-IN NPSM Pipe Dies
0892061/2-IN & 3/4-IN Pex Combo Crimper
8477851/2-IN-3/4-IN SS-NPT Dies Universal
0603371 - 2 Inch Bev Dies; CRBD Tip
0892151/2-IN Close QTRS Crimp Tool
0100501/2-IN CTS Bevel Tool/Depth Gauge
0180501/2-IN CTS Fitting Saver
8922021/2-IN Dies Set For 89220

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