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Wheeler/Rex Manufacturing - Parts

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Part # Description
00451212-IN HD Straight Iron Pipe Wrench
0170511/2-IN Ips Fitting Saver; SCH 80
0870501/2-IN Nipple Chuck/Int Wrench
0892021/2-IN Pex Ring Crimper
0170501/2-IN PVC Fitting Saver; SCH 40
0892071/2-IN Ring Remover
00461212-IN Spud Wrench
00831212-IN Strap Wrench; 1/2-2-IN Pipe
00191212 IN Waterpump Pliers
0087251/2 Ips & 3/4 CTS Poly Puller
0300501/2 Ips Bevel Tool/ Depth Gauge
0602081-2 NPT Dies; 6390 38W
0602051 - 2 NPT Dies; 6490 6290
0602381 - 2 NPT Dies For SS; 27W ;67
0602341 - 2 NPT Dies For SS; 6390
0602391 - 2 NPT Dies For SS; 6490
0602521-2 NPT Dies PVC; (60208)
0602511-2 NPT Dies; PVC (60209)
0602541-2 NPT PVC;6490 & 6290 (60205
00601912 Pack; 6018

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